2012.09---2016.02 艾克斯-马赛大学 博士:材料科学
2010.08---2012.07 艾克斯-马赛大学 硕士:材料科学
2005.09---2009.06 西南大学 本科:材料化学
工作履历(Academic Positions)
2022.06---至今 太阳集团tyc5997 副教授
2016.04---2021.09 利兹大学,英国 博士后
2015.10---2015.12 CiNaM,法国 博士后
研究领域(Research Interests)
1. 微胶囊化技术及功能微胶囊材料
2. 仿生矿物基材料
3. 稀土发光纳米复合材料
代表性论文(Representative Paper)
1.Local Heating Transforms Amorphous Calcium Carbonate to Single Crystals with Defined Morphologies.Advanced Functional Materials.2022, 2207019. DOI:10.1002/adfm.202207019.(第一作者,SCI收录论文,中科院一区TOP期刊,影响因子19.9)
2.Magnesium Ions Direct the Solid-State Transformation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Thin Films to Aragonite, Magnesium-Calcite or Dolomite.Advanced Functional Materials.2022, 2201394.(第一作者,SCI,中科院一区top,影响因子19.9)
3.Prediction of sizes and frequencies of nanoliter-sized droplets in cylindrical T-junction microfluidics.Chemical Engineering Science.2015, 138, 128-139.(第一 作者,中科院二区top,影响因子4.3)
4.Versatile Microfluidic Approach to Crystallisation.Organic Process Research & Development.2015, 19, 12, 1837-1841(第一作者,中科院三区,影响因子3.3)
5.Microfluidic platform for optimization of crystallization conditions.Journal of Crystal Growth. 2017, 472, 18-28.(第一作者,中科院三区,影响因子1.8)
6.Polyamines Promote Aragonite Nucleation and Generate Biomimetic Structures.Advanced Science.2022, 2203759. DOI:10. 1002/advs.202203759(第三 作者,SCI收录论文,中科院一区TOP期刊,影响因子17.7)
7.Positively Charged Additives Facilitate Incorporation in Inorganic Single Crystals.Chemistry of Materials.2022, 34, 11, 4910–4923.(中科院一区top,影响因子9.8)
8.Controlling the fluorescence and room-temperature phosphorescence behaviour of carbon nanodots with inorganic crystalline nanocomposites.Nature Communications.10, 206 (2019).(中科院一区top,影响因子14.9)
9.Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Shape and Distribution of Dislocations in Single Crystal Nanocomposites.Angewandte Chemie International Edition.2019, 58, 17328.(中科院一区top,影响因子15.3)
10.Localizing and inducing primary nucleation.Faraday Discussions.2015, 179, 489-501.(第三作者,中科院三区,影响因子4)
11.[著作章节] Addressing the Stochasticity of Nucleation: Practical Approaches. N. Candoni , Z. Hammadi, R. Grossier, M. Ildefonso,S. Zhang, R. Morin, S. Veesler,Advances in Organic Crystal Chemistry, 2015, I, 95-113, Springer Japan.
主持的科研项目(Current Projects)
2.内蒙古自治区自然科学基金 2023QN02012,10万,主持,在研。
奖励与荣誉(Award and Honor)
国内国际合作(International and Domestic Cooperation)